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Tools that Multiple Your Time

How do you beat the clock?

Stressed Managers Need Tools


Studies show that you experience an average of 50 interruptions throughout your day, and each time, it takes you about 23 minutes to regain focus and momentum. (You re-prioritize your to-do list, you look at open tabs on your computer, and more before getting back to what you were working on).

How often do you get to the end of a busy day and think:

“What did I actually accomplish today?”

If you could reduce that 23 minutes to only 90 Seconds and regain focus and momentum, how much more could you accomplish?

It is possible…

More arriving in May


The 90 Second Management Planning System helps you regain focus and momentum and gets you back on track more quickly after distractions hit.

It Multiplies Your Time by helping you quickly and effectively:

Orchestrate Your Day,

Choose Your Top 3 Objectives,

Lead Productive Meetings,

Navigate Your Deliberate Dialogues.

In only 90 Second Increments!

Plus, it keeps everything in one place, organized easily with tons of room for writing. No more searching through notepads, notebooks and paper looking for where you wrote crucial information.

Additionally, you’ll have all of the documentation you’ll need after those important conversations.

NO other system on the market helps you plan your key meetings and navigate your crucial conversations.

More arriving in May

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To Get Stuff Done and Multiply Your Time – Start here.

Our resources work with our 90 Second System to help you get the most of your tools.

Your Concerted Goal focuses your team on your plan to move your company forward. It keeps everyone aligned on what’s most important for the next 6-12 months. Download your free samples below.

Concerted Goal SAMPLE 1

Concerted Goal SAMPLE 2

Concerted Goal SAMPLE 3

But Wait, There's More! 😉

Explore options for Coaching, customized Speaking engagements, and transformational Training.

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